Your aid against dental fear and discomfort -
The end of unpleasant time in a dental chair - now transformed to a time for relaxation wearing VR-Nature during your dental visit.
Supports dentist quality work - calming the patient - allowing the dentist to concentrate on a perfect performance.
What are the long term consequences of living isolated from nature. People living in cities, mega cities or just spending most hours in doors gets deprived of nature.
To provide a source of nature and natural settings VR-NATURE provides nature experiences intended to increase wellbeing, quality of life and social abilities.
Staying in a medical ward, waiting for an operation, spending hours in a hospital bed can lead to a variety of feelings and hence biochemical endocrine response to concern, anxiety and fear.
Patients at all ages experience a varierty of effect. Research has shown that daylight, sight through a window with green or flowers can decrease days of hospitalization.
We are aiming to investigate the effect of a VR-Nature experience on elderly unable to move due to bone injury. We hypothesize that the VR-Nature brings an experince of release and comfort. A study supported by EU.
VR-NATURE is a digital platform connecting Nature, therapy and stressresuction with virtual reality (VR).
Created by VR Nature Academy - a Nordic based academy helping professionals taking therapy into nature and nature into the clinic. We develop combined solutions in the connection between high tech and nature. Creating nature experiences for people unable to get outside - all over the world. Caring for you - caring for nature.
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